We got certified as a Great Place to Work

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Life is about weighing what is important. The recent events reminded the world that the basic need is to feel safe. For some other people, family is of great importance. Many pursue happiness at work. And for us, at Sopra Steria Bulgaria, the key value is to excel in a competent, honest, and supportive environment. And we know that not only because we built it this way. But also by asking our employees, via an external evaluator, how they are doing and if they feel satisfied with their current work situation.


We can proudly announce that Sopra Steria Bulgaria is certified as a Great Place to Work with an astonishing 92% of overall satisfaction and 96% of the participants sharing that Sopra Steria Bulgaria is a great place to work. Almost all employees expressed their opinion, so we were hopeful and eager to listen to what our people had to say.

What is a Great Place to Work all about?


The participation in the International Research and Consulting Institute Great Place to Work provides an opportunity to evaluate where we stand in terms of the workplace, leadership, projects, teamwork, and health. Our employees gave anonymous feedback and set a benchmark for future comparison. This GPTW certification is still rare in Bulgaria which gave us the advantage of being among the few employers that have acquired the certificate. The empirically modeled dimensions of the GPTW survey facilitated valuable insights into our employees’ points of view. And caring about our people is what matters.


GPTW is yet another channel for communication with the people who actually make us a great place to work. The anonymity and the standard broad feedback format helped us get a realistic notion of the big picture. We’re glad that our employees expressed high satisfaction with their work situation. Because motivated people are fun to work with while doing a great job.


Sopra Steria Bulgaria is participating for the second time in the certification. The first time was in 2019. This year, we took part as entities part of the Sopra Steria Group. Here is what our HR Manager shares about the whole organization and our Managing Director about the survey results:


I am really proud of what we have built in Bulgaria over the last few years. I am also very proud of the great survey results. With them, we can identify the areas for improvement and work together with our employees to further enhance them for the future. We have a great team spirit and we are doing excellently on our client projects, which provides the best foundation for the years to come. Now it is up to us as a team to make Sopra Steria Bulgaria even better in the future, because “Great People make Great Places”.

Tobias Pregler
Managing Director


We expected no difficulties setting the survey up and organizing the collection and communication. There was an excellent organization by Sopra Steria Group, the colleagues, and the GPTW Institute. The survey itself is very light and easy. As the results show, I am very happy that our people are overall satisfied. We are now just reaping the effort we put last year toward being truly a great place to work. We will continue our efforts and will assess what and how can be further improved.

Magdalena Ivanova
HR Manager

About the Great Place to Work Certification Measurement Dimensions


The seal of quality is a result of a representative and anonymous employee survey, based on the global Great Place to Work® standards. In the model, a very good workplace is characterized by the following dimensions: employees trust their employers (trust dimension), are proud of what they do (pride dimension), and enjoy working with others (team spirit dimension). In addition, there are the aspects of leadership effectiveness, corporate values ​​, and innovation BY ALL, which are also of central importance for very good employers.
